What is Coaching?

A Coach is someone trained and devoted to guiding others into increased competence, commitment, and confidence. – Frederic Hudson

It is the art and practice of enabling someone to move from where they are to where God wants them to be.

A Coach will come alongside you to:

  • Help you see your beauty within yourself
  • Help you to see you are worthy
  • Help you see your valuable
  • Keeps you on track
  • Teach you to handle change effectively
  • Gives you new ways of looking at things
  • Help get you unstuck
  • Pulls out of you what is already there
  • Get you to where you want to be
  • Cheers you on
  • Challenges you when you need to be challenged
  • Holds you accountable
  • Help you set and reach attainable goals
  • Help build the courage in yourself to take a risk
  • Build your self-confidence
  • Help you find your life purpose

A coach is basically your biggest cheerleader, cheering you on as you break free from the things that were holding you back.

Coaching is NOT Counseling! Coaching is all about moving forward while counseling is more about dealing with the past.

Most people watch this video and are so inspired by the young man. What he did was amazing, no doubt about that.

Goes to show that our mind is a powerful thing and we can do that which we think is impossible.

However, I want you to look at it from the eyes of that young man. If that coach had not been there to push, to encourage, to challenge, and to believe in him then he would have never gone as far as he did.

This is the kind of coach I strive to be with my clients when it comes to pulling them up out of the ruts of life and helping them move forward.

I would love the opportunity to jump on a quick call with you and chat about where you’re at in life. Where you want to go and how can I help come alongside you and help you reach your destination.


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MY Personal Coaching Journey

You don’t need a Coach Audrey, you already have everything you need inside you, you just need to act on it!

These words, though said in so much love and a belief in me were the words that always held me back from hiring a life coach, business coach or fitness coach. But you see, my personality type needed a coach. I needed someone who was going to walk me through the steps of building my business. Someone that would lead me and give me fresh ideas, new perspectives and pour out their wisdom in areas they were dominating in. Someone that would encourage me on those days I felt like giving up.

I knew I needed a coach and someone to guide me on this journey! I just didn’t know who and honestly didn’t want to pay that much for one.

Is was the Fall of 2016 and I joined my first ever business coaching program. Oh, my did I learn a lot in that year-long program. The next one was another business coaching program but was more focused on putting your marketing systems in place. Then of course came the Life Coaching where it keeps me grounded and focused on what God has called me to do.

So after spending thousands of dollars on these coaching programs here is what I know to be true about hiring a coach.

  • You have accountability – this right here was one of the things I think we all could benefit from in all areas of our lives. When you have no one you have to answer to it’s so easy to put things off. But when you have to check in every week and share with the group your updates, you tend to get things done. Heaven forbids if you’re that ONE that didn’t get your assignment done, right?
  • You get Marching Orders and you march towards your goals and purpose – I graduated Valedictorian in college while getting my Bachelor of Science Degree. Not only did I achieve that honor but was awarded 12 Director’s Awards that were handed out by the professors to the student that excelled the most. I was an overachiever I guess…who knew? I tell you this not to brag but to let you know that when given a task I will give a 100% and always go above and beyond what was asked.For me, having a program laid out and given assignments is how I operate best. To have that accountability was what really sealed the deal.
  • You break free from all the self-doubt, fear, frustration, confusion and set your self up for positive thoughts and results – This was a HUGE one for me and I know for a lot of my clients. I don’t believe you ever really break free from the fear BUT you learn how to CRUSH IT and do it afraid. The more I pushed through, the more my coach encouraged me and praised me when I completed a task the walls came crashing down. I began to have more courage, more boldness, and more self-confidence than ever before.
  • Get insanely clear about God’s purpose for your life then run to it – I was able to get clear on the direction God had been leading me in but I was too confused to get it. My coach was able to hear my heart and pick up on the theme that was going on in my life. I was able to find my niche, Christian Life Coaching and Vision Board Workshops and run with them both.  
  • Part of a Community of like-minded individuals who encourage you along the way – This was another amazing component to my coaching experience. The community of like-minded women, who were all in the same boat as me, were so willing to lock arms and help one another. This is one of the reasons I offer Group Coaching/Mastermind Groups. The wisdom, ideas, love, mercy, and grace that flow through those women gave me the wind to lift my wings and fly.
  • Save time and money – I FINALLY stopped going around that mountain and took the leap of faith and hired me a Coach. It was the BEST decision I have in my business thus far. I can’t explain other than…I am living the life I absolutely love and I am humbled that God would call me to a Coach to you my fellow sister in Christ.

If any of this resonated with you and you know you need someone to come alongside you and help you get out of the ruts of life. Let’s jump on that call together and see where it is God is calling you to go.


Be Blessed,
