Terri Savelle Foy’s book Dream it. Pin it. Live it. Makeย Vision Boards Work for You has set me on a path where I know my life will never be the same again…in an amazing way!
You see, I’ve been on this journey of Rediscovering my Purpose. Of rediscovering my dreams, visions, and passions that God has placed within me.
I am a wife to the most valiant warrior in Christ I know, a mother of 3 wonderful children and a Grandma to 4 precious grandbabies. My husband and I are finally empty-nesters (well unless you count my son who will stay with us when he is not out on the road for his job) ๐ For the most part…we have our home to ourselves and WE LOVE IT!!!
In this new season, I’ve really been seeking our Abba Father on what he would have me do. My heart’s desire is to serve Him, to honor Him, to glorify Him and to empty myself of me on a daily basis so that He can use me.
I was raised up listening to a lot of Motivational Speakers such as Zig Ziglar and Napoleon Hill and I knew that one of the things I needed to do was find a Podcast, a video or some sort of audio that I could listen to that would build me up and edify me.
That’s when one of Terri’s videos popped up, I pressed play and I’ve been listening to her ever since.
Besides the fact that we have so much in common, I had to smile because not only was I raised listening to Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Kathryn Kuhlman and other Faith Warriors I also listened to her Dad, Jerry Savelle’s messages and have some of his books.
Well, you see God had planted the seed about me creating my own Vision Board (at the beginning of 2017) and He had been sending people, articles,ย videos, podcast and other nudges that were watering that seed. Terri is the one that got toย harvest it in my life!
My REVIEW of Dream it. Pin it. Live it. by Terri Savelle Foy
I purchased the Kindle Version of Dream it. Pin it. Live it.: Making Vision Boards work for you (because I couldn’t wait for the book to be mailed lol) at the beginning of December 2017 and I haven’t stopped reading it, re-reading it and putting things into action.
I LOVE the way the book is laid out. Each chapter builds upon the next and it’s like Terri takes you by the hand and leads you through this journey (line upon line and precept upon precept) of rediscovering your dreams. I’m a storyteller at heart and hearing other people’s stories motivates, encourages and inspires me. I guess the Word of God is true again huh? We overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY! – Revelations 12:11
In this book, the foundation is laid, stories are told and your faith rises. Terri walks you through different exercises that you MUST DO to catapult you to where God is calling you. After she walks you through making your Vision Board, she won’t leave you hanging. I love the fact that through her own experiences she directs you in different things you need to be doing while waiting for your dreams and visions to manifest. As a matter of fact, there is a WHOLE chapter dedicated to What to do while you’re waiting.
Because God is leading me to host Vision Board Workshops locally and then branch out to other locations I have ordered and read other books on Vision Boards but knew something was missing. I gained some great ideas and more knowledge on creating them but they completely left God out.
Since the movie, The Secret came out in 2006 and brought the concept titled “law of attraction” there have been so many people that have had great success using the Law of Attraction. However, if you read the Bible (the written word of God) it was all there FIRST!
In saying this the absolute thing I love and admire the most about Terri is the fact that she keeps it BIBLICAL!
A man becomes what he thinks about most of the time. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Whatever a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7
I always felt like The Secret used God’s principles and just deleted Him out of it. What Terri does in her book Dreamit. Pin it. Live it.: Making Vision Boards work for you, is she places God right where He belongs…at the beginning and center of it all. The scriptures that she uses are on point and she glorifies God and not herself throughout the book.
I know that YOU have a dream, vision, and purpose of God… so what are you waiting for? Don’t let another day go by without getting your hands on either this Kindle Version of Dream it. Pin it. Live it. or get the whole kit and caboodle right from Terri herself.
Guess what’s happened since I’ve read the book and started to put it into action? I’ve already hosted my very first Vision Board Workshop and have more coming up this year. WOOHOO!
I also hosted a wildly successful Online Vision Board Workshop where many of the women have started to see their visions and God’s purpose in their lives come to pass.
If I had found this book sooner I would have snagged it up but God’s timing is perfect and now that I have this in my arsenal of books I’m putting it into action every single day.
What about you? Have you read the book? If so, I’d love to hear how it has transformed your mind and your life in the comments below.
Be Blessed,