With the murder of an innocent child, children taken from their widowed father by the state, dirty cops, new age religion taking over the school curriculum, strange things happening in a tiny town, and a young woman by the name of Sally Beth Roe caught in the midst of it all, Piercing The Darkness by Frank Peretti will surely keep you flipping page after page not wanting to put this book down.
A story about redemption and the road that leads us to hope everlasting and a love that is deeper than the ocean.
I read ย Piercing the Darkness before I even knew that it was the sequel to Frank Peretti’s This Present Darknessย but it really didn’t matter. Both books are so well written and will leave you wanting more. Be ready for a complete eye opener to the Spiritual Realm and just how powerful our prayers truly are. ๐
Riveting Page-turner that is a spiritual wakeup call!
Following Sally Beth on her road to redemption has many biblical principles weaved throughout the story. You get a sense of what spiritual warfare is and the importance of our prayers. Your eyes are open to how powerful the angelic host are and how they are constantly fighting on our behalf.
My heart was pounding while reading some parts and I wanted to SCREAM at the characters in the book because I knew what was happening.
I wonder if our heavenly father ever wants to scream at us when we start walking that wide path? I don’t think he screams as much as he gives us gentle warnings and if we don’t listen than he gets louder and louder until we hear him or ignore him and have to deal with the consequences of our disobedience.
Something about this book brought a lot of clarity to my life. You know those AHA moments where you can see clearly? That’s what happened to me.
I’ll be honest, when you first start reading this book there are a lot of characters, but once you start you can’t put it down. You flip to the next page because it seems like every page is a cliff hanger. It’s only when your eyes feel like lead that you have to put the book down and succumb to sleep. lol