Isn’t it amazing how Yahweh speaks to us in the quiet, in the stillness while we are in our prayer time?
Today is the first day I’ve written anything on this blog for a year!
I’ll be honest…I got caught up and consumed by the stolen election (yep, it was stolen and I believe that President Trump is still our rightful President but that’s beside the point) the corruption in our politics, the pandemic, the stuff that is being taught to this generation of children and just the plain evil that is happening in the world.
Throughout it all I know the Holy Spirit was whispering that these are those “so that” moments that will ultimately bring glory to Yahweh but it didn’t stop my heart from breaking and my mind from questioning.
This last year I’ve honestly questioned God, as many of my brothers and sisters in Christ have. Even though my faith is in Jesus Christ and I know that God is real and that the bible is His written word, I still had questions that needed to be asked.
I’ve recently started to learn about Apologetics and even ordered the book A Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. I’ve heard about this book before and knew there was even a movie made about it, but I already believed that Jesus existed and that He is the son of God, so why read the book?
Turns out that the book has only deepened my faith and has given me some facts I can share with the unbeliever I come into contact with in my daily walk.
Even in our questioning Yahweh is so faithful, gracious, and patient with us. The Holy Spirit led and I just followed.
This last year has been one that has taken me on a faith filled journey that has ultimately led to less doubt and unbelief and more of trust, faith, understanding, and a relationship with our heavenly Father that I only hoped I could have throughout my walk with Him.
I plan on sharing lots more with you all in the months, years to come about all that the Lord has been showing me in the secret place.
Until next post…
Y’all Be Blessed,