To my sister Angela,
For months now my heart has been so heavy for you. It’s almost like The Lord has allowed me to feel your past regrets, your pain, your insecurities, your hurts, your wounds, your anger, your frustration, your shame and guilt, all your doubts, fears and unbelief that you struggle with.
That is why I felt so strongly that you needed to hear the TRUTH about yourself. What God, our Abba Father says about his daughter. Not what the world says, not what your husband says, not what your family says, not what your friends say, but what GOD says about you, his beloved. Everything he speaks is truth and shines light in the darkness.
Below are just a few things I thought you should know about who you are in Christ.
1st ~ Did you know that you were HIS daughter before you were Mom & Dad’s?
Yep that’s right, he formed you in our Momma’s womb and set you apart.
You see God is no respecter of persons and what he does for one he will do for another. In the book of Jeremiah 1:5 the word of The Lord came to him saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.“
God let Jeremiah know that he knew him before he ever entered his mother’s womb. He may ย not be calling you to be a prophet to the nations (of course I wouldn’t put it past him) but he called you to be a Proverbs 31 woman. A wife to Gerry and a Mom to Colin, Conor, Ella & Eli. Because of this calling you may just be called to speak to the nations but it will be through what you teach your children.
Don’t think it strange that you use to play with dolls and barbies for hours my dear sister. God was preparing you, even back then, and though your family made fun of you (so sorry for that) God knew what he was preparing you for. How AWESOME is that.
2nd ~ Do you know how beautiful you truly are?
I’m not talking about the outside appearance either (although you are beautiful on the outside but God doesn’t care about the outward appearance of his children) he cares about our heart. Our flesh will age and eventually give way but the heart is what God is looking at.
How do I know this??? Glad you asked sis, because in Samuel 16:7 says… But the Lord said to Samuel, โDo not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.โ Wow, that says a lot right there. God rejects the appearance and stature of a man and just looks at the heart.
You know what I remember most about you while growing up? Your heart to give! If you had something that you treasured so dearly and someone else wanted it, you gave it to them. You would give out of such a big heart and never expect anything in return. Always thinking of others and it always brought you so much joy. That is the heart God gave you sis and one that is truly beautiful in the eyes of our Lord.
3 ~ Do you know how smart and intelligent you are?
All your life you have put yourself down for not getting good grades, for saying “dumb” things in conversations and for doing blonde, Polish things, but guess what??? “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” ~ Proverbs 1:7
God didn’t call you to have degrees hanging on your wall (you can’t take them with you when The Lord calls you home anyway) but he did call you to be a “Mom” and the titles for that position far exceed any degree the world has to offer.
Heres 20 titles I came up with off the top of my head…
- Taxi driver
- Counselor
- Maid
- Cook
- Nurse
- Lawyer
- Judge
- Executioner (ya know executing those punishments lol)
- Mediator (between the kids and of course between Daddy and the kids)
- Referee
- Comforter
- Healer
- Hero
- Entertainer
- Teacher
- Friend
- Ghost Buster
- Seamstress
- Lifeguard
- Party Planner
I could go on and on but you get the drift. It takes a very smart, wise, intelligent woman to handle all these positions 24/7 with no holidays and very few breaks.
Oh and I won’t even mention all the titles that come with being a Wife.
Next time the enemy tries to tell you that you are “stupid”, “dumb” or uses others to put you down, just remember… you fear the one that gives wisdom and are wiser than the enemy. ๐
4 ~ You are his Beloved daughter and nothing you do will ever separate you from his love.
We all fall, we all make mistakes, we all have our own struggles, we all disappoint our heavenly Father, we all have fallen short BUT through Christ and the redemption of the cross we are able to pick ourselves back up and run right back into our Daddy’s arms.
I mean Jesus said it himself in John 15:12 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.ย Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
You know what that means? You are not only his daughter but also his friend. He laid down his life even while you were a sinners. That is love sis.
Oh and you can’t forget the wonderful scripture in Romans 8:38-39 “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Godโs love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrowโnot even the powers of hell can separate us from Godโs love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth belowโindeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Not to mention the love you have from your family, friends and those precious children of yours.
I pray that you know how valuable, how virtuous and how victorious you are in Christ Jesus and how loved you are by everyone around you. I pray that God would fill you with his will, give you your hearts desires, open your eyes to see the amazing ministry you have right before your eyes and you can embrace it with open arms. I pray that you will finally see yourself as Christ sees you and that the striving for mans approval would be gone and you would know that it’s only God’s approval of your heart that you need.
Seek him with your whole heart sis… for he is waiting to show you great and mighty things.
Love ya,
Well that was straight up honest and real. Well-done. I love this example of what Cristian love is supposed to look like. BEAUTIFUL!