Rekindling Childlike Wonder

GUEST POST: Since Thanksgiving and continuing into the month of December, my husband Gary and I have been enjoying watching Christmas-themed movies and other programs.  One of our seasonal favorites is “Elf“, starring Will Ferrell.   If any actor or actress captured the essence of being filled with silliness and a sense of child-like wonder, […]

God sees every tear we cry

Have you ever wondered if God sees every tear you cry and if so what does he do with those tears? You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. ~ Psalm 56:8 My mom use to tell me all the time […]

I’m Thankful for one more day!

You can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back ― Mitch Albom, For One More Day When you lose someone close to you to death it does something to you. It makes you appreciate life that much more. So on this 6th day of #30DaysofPraise I […]

I’m Thankful for being able to work from home

As I sit here and write this post I look at the clock that reads 12:00 pm and I realize I’m still in my PJ’s! So on this 5th day of #30DaysofPraise I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able to work in the comfort of my own home. I’m not going to […]

I’m Thankful for answered prayers

Have you ever prayed for something and your prayers were answered in the most amazing way? I have! So on this 4th day of #30DaysofPraise I have to share with you how awesome our God is and how if we truly trust him to answer our prayers when and how he feels is best for us, […]

I’m Thankful for my friends

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime On Day 2 of #30DaysofPraise I am most thankful for the friends God has strategically placed in my life for these past 40 years (still can’t believe I’m writing that number lol). Looking back over the years I can see how each friend contributed to my […]

I’m Thankful for that still small voice

So today a dear friend of mine posted a challenge on her Facebook status and it went something like this… I challenge all of you to post the things you are thankful for – each day in November – leading up to Thanksgiving Day. Given the events of the past few days across the East […]

I’ll lend you a child by Edgar Guest

For the past month or so I have watched a family fight for their precious son to live. They opened up their family, their home and their hearts to hundreds of thousands of people on Facebook in order to bring awareness to Childhood Cancer and find a Cure. They have prayed fervently, relied heavily on […]

Who is God to you?

Have you ever stopped to think about who God is to you? I mean really stop and think about who God really is to you? Long before Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and all these other Social Media sites, there was (GASP) email! Yep, that’s how I communicated with all my family and friends. Well I was […]

Bible Quotes on Strength

These Bible Quotes on Strength are here for you to meditate on, to be built up and encouraged. If you were to take just one of these bible quotes print it out, place it where you can see it all day/week/ or month-long and truly meditate on it, your strength will be increased, you will […]