Read More Encouraging Words

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  1. Audrey, how timely is your post and how wonderful are your words. Thank you for sharing this. God is good and His timing is perfect.

    1. Youโ€™re so welcome Lisa. They were timely words for me also. ๐Ÿ™‚ God definitely has this timing thing down huh? He is the one that created it and he is good all the time that is for sure!

  2. Thank you so much for the above post. I am going through a terrible patch. After 7years with the love of my life, I am losing him to Crystal Meth. wedding plans and our future has disappeared because he has used every cent we have, and made so much debt. I cry every day of my life. God please hear my prayers for him, for us. ๐Ÿ™

    1. I’m so, so sorry to hear that. I know that in the midst of everything you are going through sometimes it’s hard to see that God is working things out. But remember that Daniel prayed and it took 21 days before his prayers were manifested in the natural realm. Daniel 10:12-13 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesian 6:12
      I will be praying that that spirit of addiction be broken off of him and that God would send the perfect laborers to speak into his life. That our Abba Father would wrap his loving arms around you and give you the strength of Samson, oil of joy and peace that goes beyond all understanding. I pray that you would hear the voice of our savior and the voice of a stranger you would not follow. As you have cried out to God he has seen every one of your tears and he is whispering to you in that still small voice. Listen to what the Holy Spirit has to say and follow that leading no matter how hard it may be. Know that God is right by your side and has such great plans for your life. Please know that I will be praying for you. <3

  3. Hi I have been crying almost everyday but i know god hears my prayers and he has healed me. I am a 20 years old college student and one day out of nowhere i just got sick . For two months i got diagnosed by doctors and in the third month i have been diagnosed correctly i believe in jesus name. The bible says walk by faith not by sight! I am still not feeling well and not able to go back to school yet but i have faith! it seems very hard when your going through a situation no one understands. But i saw your post and it gave me so much comfort to know god collects our tears and comforts us

    1. Naliah one of the hardest things to do is walk by faith and not by sight but I can tell you this, when you do it often enough it starts to come naturally. When Jesus went to the cross for us he did so not only for our sins but for every single disease and infirmity Satan tries to attack us with. The awesome thing about that is according to Isaiah 53:5 we are healed by the stripes of Jesus. Your prayers are already answered and I stand in faith with you that your healing has already come. I want to encourage you to not be discouraged. Remember what God commands us in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” No matter what the circumstances look like Naliah, keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and don’t allow the enemy to move you. Be Blessed my dear. Audrey

  4. Its been 2weeks now since he last used. I am so grateful to God and everyone who has prayed with me for a breakthrough.

    Please do continue to say a little prayer for me because now the worst has hit. I cant handle the withdrawal symptoms! Terrible moodswings,rudeness,a โ€œdont careโ€ attitude.

    I wish I could just pack up and leave this relationship. Its so hard. I am so angry aswell. Why did he try meth in the 1st place?! why did he let it escalate to a point where his lost his family and friends and accunulated so much debt that it will take him 10years to pay back! why must I be the one to suffer for his stupid choices! why was I handed this card in life!

    I am so tired of these sleepless nights, constant stress and crying. I pray everyday, I even want to make a plea bargin with exchange for my fianceโ€™s life back, God can take something else. When will god come through for me, for him and us?

    Ive been through many hardships in life, but none this bad that I feel that I dont even think I can make it to the end of the day.

    Thereโ€™s no money for therapy and rehab etc(I am in south africa and in an area where no free service is provided) so prayer is basically all I have right now.

    He doesnt want help from the church/ He says they will judge him because he is well respected.

    Im holding on to Jesus, please Lord, I dont know how much longer I can hold on

    1. As the Holy Spirit leads I pray for you and your fiance. My husband has been doing a teaching every Sunday on spiritual warfare and who we are in Christ. The Holy Spirit has been moving very powerfully and many are being set free from bondage. I have been working on transferring these teachings into .mp3 files. Would you be able to listen to these teachings if I put them on this site? I know you feel like the road is long and the burden to great but just know that God has not left you. He is holding you and has sent his Holy Spirit to comfort you, to guide you, to bring you peace in this time. Draw near to him, stay in his word, praise him for the things you do have and the things that are coming. Don’t look at what your fiance is doing but why is he doing it. He is in bondage and needs to be set free. Jesus went to that cross for our deliverance…for your fiance’s deliverance. Please know that you are covered in prayer and I’m sending you big virtual hugs. ~ Audrey

      1. I need to let the elders know, i just cant do this on my own anymore.
        Yes, i would appreciate the .mp3 files!
        Even though I dont know you and will never meet you, I want you to know how much of a help you have been. For someone to just be there to let me know that God sees my tears and that he is not deaf to my cries. For all your prayes. May god always always shine his love and favour on you. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart

  5. Hi Audrey,

    Your post is very inspiring. I, too, have experienced crying and wailing over a broken heart. It came to a point that I became depressed and could no longer hear God’s word. I was so focused on the pain and the anger that my heart felt at that time. However, God is always very gracious that HE used the lives of my family, the leaders of the congregation where I am affiliated to, my friends and even my BOSS. I couldn’t believe it at that time. God really extended HIS hand, saw my afflictions and embraced me with HIS love. That was when I started moving forward and with the lesson that “I can live a joyful life even if it just me and the LORD.”

    1. Oh Miss M, I love to hear of how God moved in other’s lives. I have found that it’s in my time of brokenness that I can truly allow God to heal me from the inside out. It is so freeing to me knowing that sure I’ll have more trials, more heart break, more brokenness BUT I get to walk through it all with joy and peace knowing that my God, my Daddy is working everything out for his daughter’s good. Thank you so much for sharing this and encouraging others.
      Be Blessed,

  6. Hey everyone! That was great to read and it actually hit the spot. I am currently going through a tough time, a girl I was seeing and about to ask to marry me (within 3days) we broke up. And the unfortunate part it was over text and it was such a silly arguement! As a man we get insecure, and that’s no excuse but it cause a little bit of an argument which lead to a complete break up. I feel alone and being 26 I feel like I won’t be able to find anyone like her again. I’ve been praying for The Lord to bring her back to me but I’ve got no answers. I’m lost and feel like I have nothing. I am trying to continue my days but when you spend so much time with someone and speak about marriage then we break up, it makes things very difficult. I’m not asking for anything except prayers to be strong and focused and know The Lord our god is standing next to me and has a plan. If anyone would like to respond or would like for me to pray for you I would. I hope this gets better sooner than later. Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a great day. God bless

    1. Hi Ronny,
      Thank you so much for taking the time and commenting. I’m so sorry to hear about you and your girlfriend but you sound to me like you know exactly who to run to, our heavenly Father. I know all to well what you are going through but I’m here to encourage you, that as you seek God’s will for your life, as well as this young lady’s life, God will start revealing things to you, you never imagined. In looking back over my own life, I realized that some of the circumstances that were the hardest on me were the very things that brought me closer to God and revealed certain things in my life he wanted to set me free from. So today as I pray for you Ronny, I pray that in this time of uncertainty the Holy Spirit would minister to you, lead and guide you, bring you to the place God wants you so that he can heal all the past brokenness and insecurities that you have battled over the years. That your eyes would be open to see yourself as God sees you and that the love of our heavenly father would permeate your entire body to the point that it overflows into the lives of those around you. As you seek God with your whole heart you will find him. I bind up any distractions that the enemy may try to bring in order to stop you from focusing on God’s word and I speak right now utter and totally confusion to any of those plans Satan may have against you.
      I cover you with the precious blood of Jesus and I place a hedge of protection around you. I release the angels of the Lord to encamp around you and as God begins to heal your heart that you would be set free to worship him in spirit and truth and that your prayers would be answers. In Jesus name! Amen!

      Be Blessed,

  7. Elmer Medina says:

    I’ve been crying for a long time. I was really depressed because I lost interest in my major: animation. I failed to receive an internship that my friend got. I was angry at God and my final presentation as a disaster. Eventually I became lost and even now I don’t know what to do once I graduate. I don’t know what to study? I’ve given up on animation and while I’m trying to recover my passion, my past has driven me to hopelessness. I’ve cried a lot, and I still am. I feel weak and inadequate compared to my sister and my friends, who know what their futures will be like. I’ve thought about counseling, psychology and radiology, but I’m not sure if I should change my major or continue animation. I feel like I have no future, no plans, no motivation. I feel like God has no plans for me, so I feel dead. I feel like a dead person. Dead people don’t have futures. I’m trying so I’m praying, but my doubt makes my prayers worth nothing. ๐Ÿ™ I need God’s help. I need prayer. I’m graduating soon but I’m not happy, I need God to guide me. Renee my passion or give me a new one. Thank you for your message, God bless. I could use your prayers ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us. I do want to clear something up right away, we have an adversary Satan, who has been in the business of trying to convince us that we have no future with God. But Satan is the father of ALL lies and God specifically told Jeremiah “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 What God was saying to Jeremiah is the same thing he says to each of us. He knew you before you were in your mother’s womb and he has a plan for your life as well!
      Now when you say you feel dead, I know that “feeling” all to well and this little teaching on not allowing Feelings to fool you helped me out tremendously.
      When you get a chance read this, pull the scriptures out that really minister to you and speak them out loud over yourself. Allow them to really sink in and know that you are not dead at all but very much alive in Jesus Christ.
      I have been praying for you, that God would give you the direction he would have you go and that you would have peace, patience and the faith knowing he is faithful and will answer in his perfect timing. In my own experiences I have had to step out in faith and start moving toward something and then the way was paved. Sometimes God is quiet and he just wants to know if we will trust him even in the silence. I pray for strength for you to be able to Be Still and know that God is God and no matter what he loves you and craves a relationship with you.
      BTW, what led you into animation?

      Be Blessed,

      1. Elmer Medina says:

        Hey, God bless you and thank you. I’ve spoken to a friend and i will check that site. I got into animation because I have skills in art and drawing and I create cartoons. I want to make Christian tv shows for kids and teens. But I’ve been depressed because of the enemy’s lies, my depression and laziness, and the competitiveness of the field. My healing has begun and I thank you for your much needed prayers. God bless you always.

  8. Elmer Medina says:

    I was also depressed because I’m trying to publish my first Christian novel and things aren’t working out, as usual. Nothing seems to work out in my life. My life is one failure after another, nonstop.

    1. One thing I constantly have to tell myself is my life is not my own, my life belongs to God, as does yours. When we whole heartily submit our wills to the heavenly Father he is able to make diamonds out of us. Remember, it’s through MANY stages of blasting, crushing and processing that diamonds become the beautiful gem God created them to be. It’s in these times that we are to draw closer to him. I’m going through the exact same thing you are as far as not knowing the direction God would have me take. But every morning I get up and meet with him. I draw strength from his word and I allow the Holy Spirit to minister to me. Psalm 37:23 says, “The LORD directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Seek him and he will be found. I have learned in these situations that the best thing to do is “Be Still and know that he is God?” Wait on him and he will direct your path. When you have done all you can do then you continue to stand and allow him to work everything out for you.
      Stay strong, continue to pray, seek him in the morning, afternoon, evening and you will find him and his perfect will for your life.

      I’m still praying for you.
      Be Blessed,

      1. Elmer Medina says:

        God bless you my friend ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you

  9. im so broken i cant even speak of it.But would u pray 4 me thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. It’s in the brokenness that God gently lifts us up and starts mending us. I pray right now that ministering angels would go forth and encompass around you, I ask that God’s hedge of protection would be around you and that the Holy Spirit would begin ministering to you even right now. That agape love would flow on you, in you and through you. That the prince of peace would wrap his loving arms around you and that a peace that goes beyond all understanding would consume you. I pray right now that were there is brokenness I speak healing and restoration. Where there is loneliness a sense of belonging would come over you, that the Holy Spirit would whisper to the perfect laborer to come in wisdom, compassion, understanding and above all Love and speak into your life. I pray that God would not only restore your heart but bring it back to the heart he created for himself, on that is pure and loves him above everything and everyone else.
      I bind up the spirits of brokenness, depression, oppression right now in the name of Jesus and I speak total utter confusion to the plan of the enemy on this child of God. As you cry out to our heavenly Father I pray that you would have a Paul experience and that God would become so real in your life from this day forward. I pray believing that we’ve already received all of this in the precious name of Jesus Christ. AMEN!
      If you need anymore prayer please let me know. I will continue to pray for you and am expecting a praise report from you very soon. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Be Blessed,

  10. Elmer Medina says:

    Hey my new friend, I’ve decided to study to be a counselor, but that means I will give up animation. Not sure if God will help me and back me up. Please pray for me, my friend. I’m really desperate.

  11. Elmer Medina says:

    Be realized that my depression could be from sin, like with King Saul. Please pray for me

  12. Elmer Medina says:

    Hey my friend, I’m dealing with a lot. First of all I’m dealing with depression and extreme self hatred and suicidal thought. Because I’ve l

  13. Elmer Medina says:

    Because I’ve lost of passion for animation and my future is uncertain, I’ve hated myself, my looks and I have no respect for myself. I want to die, because I don’t know my purpose, my calling. I don’t know who I am anymore. I need God, because I’m watching others be blessed without having any of my own blessings. I’m sad and depressed and full of self hatred, I may be possessed. I don’t know what I’m going to do, I need your prayer before I lose my mind. I need God. I need deliverance. I am a born again Christian, but I don’t know who I am. I don’t know my purpose. Sometimes I’m too sad, lazy and unmotivated to do anything. I nest God, I need u, I need someone. God bless u, and thank you

    1. Can I contact you through email? The one you are using at Yahoo? My husband has been called into the healing and deliverance ministry and I know about spiritual warfare and what you are going through.

  14. Elmer Medina says:

    Yes, you can contact me ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Hi Audrey, I’m going through a rough patch in my marriage. Me and my husband are not communicating, we are sleeping in separate rooms, the intimacy and sexual part of our marriage is gone. I know God hate divorce but I feel that the pain is too much for me and I want to move on. I pray but feel my prayers aren’t being heard. I’m lost

    1. Oh Nicole, I’m so sorry to hear that. It seems that the enemy has been working overtime on marriages lately but we know who has the final say. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      I’ve had those moments where I feel like my prayers were not being heard also and I asked God to search my heart that if there was anything hindering my prayers to reveal it to me and he would. Some of the times he would reveal an unconfessed sin or maybe un-forgiveness I was holding toward someone that I hadn’t even thought of in years. Other times he is just quiet seeing what we will do, just like a teacher is quiet during the test.
      Let me pray for you right now and I will continue to pray for you and your husband. BTW is your husband a born again believer?

      Father I come to you right now in the name of Jesus and I lift up Nicole and her husband to you. Lord you know what is going on in this marriage, you know the heart of both of them and only you know the answer. So I ask right now, where there is unconfessed sin, confession would come, where there is un-forgiveness give them grace to forgive. I bind up all past wounds that came in through the spoken word and wherever there is hurt I place the healing balm of Gilead over it. I speak restoration to this marriage and any attack from the enemy I speak total confusion and chaos to the plan of the enemy. Holy Spirit I ask that you would reveal to Nicole the steps you would have her take in order to restore this marriage. Bring back the passion and intimacy that God himself designed for married couples. Bring them both back to the moment they fell in love and just as you blessed Job with double I ask that you would give them a double dose of love, passion and intimacy. That their marriage would be one that brings you Glory Father and those around them would know that only a powerful, almighty God could work this plan out.
      I pray this in faith Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, our savior, and I thank you for hearing the cry of your daughter Nicole and answering her in your perfect timing. AMEN!

  16. Hi audrey thanks for praying for me. so kind. i know its the olny way to help anything b/c there is true power in prayer to jesus. although i have to admit. im double minded b/c of the way i feel i think i just doubt to much 2 see results.. ๐Ÿ™ u see iv lost everything dear 2 me, My job, my money, my gurl, and my health. im always very tired and cant do much. i just turned 25. it just seems like things r never going 2 turn around for me. all i want is stability in my life. i just want to be okay and help my family and be a decent christian.

    1. You know the first person I thought of in the Bible when I read this? Job! He lost his children, his cattle (in today’s standards would be the J.O.B.) and his health. But do you know why God allowed all of that to come upon him? If you remember reading in Job the first chapter talks about how he continually was lifting up offering to God for his evil children. He knew what they were doing was wrong and his entire focus was on them. This is the “thing that he feared the most” and because of that God allowed it to come upon him. But the redemptive story of Job is that God restored to him DOUBLE what was lost. You didn’t loose everything Mat, because God never once left your side and he never will. In everything God looks at our hearts. Instead of trying to be a decent Christian why not surrender your all to him and ask him to use you for his plans and purposes. You are only 25 yrs. old and can I just be honest, it hasn’t been until this year that I finally laid everything down that I was trying to do and surrendered to his calling. Instead of totally surrendering my will to God I was praying that he would bless my will and it didn’t happen. He has shown so much grace, mercy and patience with me that I just Thank him daily for it. I will continue to pray for you. Just remember, our God is an awesome God and he is still in the miracle making business. Oh and I promise you, things will turn around for you, just keep the faith.
      Be Blessed,

  17. Your message was exactly what I needed, im going through a rough time, I have prayed and prayed but the more I do so the more things get worse, my man whom we have an 8mnths old baby got a new job two mnths ago in another province and moved there and has made one womwn pregnant and she has moved in with him, he told me he wants nothing to do with me and the baby as he has found his soul shattered, I have been in a relationship with this guy for 5 good years and now becoz he got a management job he feels im not worth him and has chosen to be wth a woman he just met and says he is marying her.why does God allow the wickerd prosper, im so heartbroken

    1. Sindy, I’m so sorry you are going through this. Psalm 73 came to me when I read your comment. This Psalm is about the wicked prospering and the Blessedness of Trust we have in God. Read this Psalm and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what he will. Also, in praying for you one thing kept coming up in my spirit is that only God knows the heart of a man. When I went through a similar situation the Lord kept telling me that he had so much better for me if I would just trust him. Through everything I trusted that he knew what was best for me and boy did he ever. I am married to my best friend who has loved me and my children through so much these past 12 years. This man is patient, kind, loving, caring and absolutely loves me as Christ loves the church. If I had not let go of the man my flesh wanted I would not have been able to receive the man God had for me. I will be praying that in this time you will draw closer to the Father and that this situation will not only build your faith but give you a testimony that will allow you to minister to others that are going through the same thing. In this season and time of your walk, that the angels would go forth right now and send you a spiritual mentor, someone that can hold your hands up when you feel like letting them down, someone that will pray with you and for you whenever you need it and someone that is filled with the Holy Spirit and is walking closely with our Father. I pray this in Jesus most holy name and believer that it is done. Praise the Lord.

  18. I dont know where to begin.My heart is so broken.I just found out an hour ago that my boyfriend is cheating.I couldnt talk,I decided to walk away when I realised he has checked in at a hotel,I couldnt even look at him.Am hurting so much and the saddest part is that I still love him very much.He has been acting distant.Please pray for me my heart is breaking.

    1. May the comforter, the Holy Spirit be with you as you walk through this situation. I know what it feels like to be cheated on but I also know what it feels like to be comforted by our heavenly Father. It’s in these times that we grow and pull closer to the one that never walks away from us. I will continue to pray that God would reveal himself so strongly to you and that your heart would begin to heal and that you would see yourself as God sees you and know that you are worthy of so much more.

  19. Elmer Medina says:

    Hey my friend. Right now I’m struggling a lot. I’ve dealing with putting things like my book and schooling before God and I’m so frustrated because I’m good at drawing and I told u that I’m studying animation and I’m no longer happy with it. I read a book about using the talents that God gave us and I’m do confused and angry and hurt and at this point I’ve given up mentally. I’ve been very depressed and I’m trying to seek God but I’m cursed with laziness and lack of motivation. Worse my good friend committed suicide and I’m wondering what’s going to happen to me if I keep staying stuck in my pool if confusion, self hatred, self pity, laziness and lack of motivation. My life wasn’t supposed to be this way. It feels like a Shakespeare tragedy and taking my own life won’t solve anything. Please pray for me. I know I must do my part but I need God to motivate me again :'(

  20. Elmer Medina says:

    I hate my life so much and I hate myself for doing nothing about it and ruining my own future.

  21. Elmer Medina says:

    Hey I want to apologize for bothering u with my foolish complaining. I’m sorry ๐Ÿ™

    1. There is no need to apologize at all. We all go through these times and seasons where we just cry out and are so lost with no direction. I’ve been away from the computer visiting with family for the past week so was not able to respond right away. I do want to ask you something though. Because I have been in the same place you are, even right now I’m seeking the Lord as to which direction I need to go, I have turned completely to the one book that brings me so much comfort…the Living Word of God, the Bible.
      These past 2 months I have completely, totally submerged myself in the word of God and have such a peace and joy that no matter the circumstance going on around me, it does not move me.
      What has your daily routine consisted of? Are you focused on God’s word or are you focusing in on your circumstance? During this time I am still moving forward, always asking the Father what he would have me do today but I meditate on his word day and night. My bible is always right near me and every chance I get I’m devouring it.
      What is one thing you have been wanting to do but have not done for whatever reason? I want you to go get that one thing done and write back to me and let me know you did it. I’ve learned in my walk that it’s always the first step that takes the most effort but once that step has been taken other steps follow. It also helps when we have someone we are accountable to. So choose one thing you can get done that you have procrastinating on and then write me back and share it with me.
      In the meantime I will continue to pray that in this time of seeking God’s will for your life that you would have peace and joy and that the enemy would be silenced from speaking lies to you.

  22. I read this post almost everyday trying to get the strength and courage to leave it in God’s hand. I’m praying for happiness and a healthy loving relationship.

    1. Thank you for sharing that with me. I’m so glad this post can strengthen and encourage others just as it encouraged me even writing it. One of the hardest things to do is to be Still and know that God is God, but I can attest to the fact that the rewards far outweigh whatever we go through during those times of stillness. My prayer for you is that in this time of waiting that you would be consumed by the love of our Father so that you will know TRUE love vs. counterfeit love.
      ~ Audrey

  23. Thank you so very much!!! May God continue to bless you and yours!

  24. Hi, Audrey its mat remember u prayed for me.? well. im in a extremely dire situation. iv received a msg from god telling me that i do not know him and i am in trouble. its true…. i have not been seeking him or had a true desire or strong resolve. but im terrified and i don’t want him 2 leave me behind. would u pray for me that my resolve for him will increase and that i truly seek him. from this point il seek him with all i have now. but i need help. please pray for me. thank you.

    1. Mat, all week long I have been praying for you and one thing keeps coming up in my spirit. Have you tested the spirit that spoke to you? In 1 John 4:1-4 “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”
      You see our heavenly Father and Creator convicts our heart, not with condemnation but with compassion. Yes, sometimes he needs to be a little louder and more persistent because we don’t always “get it” the first time around but he is faithful and just and keeps speaking to our hearts till we get it.
      Satan, however is the father of all lies and is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10) so when he speaks to us it is always done in condemnation and accusation which brings in that spirit of fear and unworthiness.
      The Holy Spirit has already shown you what you are battling. Have you ever done a study on double mindedness? I mean, looking up all the scriptures and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you where the open door that allowed this spirit of double mindedness to come in through? I found a good message on the spirit of double mindedness here Take a look at it and see if it speaks to your heart.
      In the meantime know that I am praying for your eyes to be open and a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit to fall on you bringing understanding and wisdom in this situation. And remember that because God loves us he corrects us but we do have an adversary that wants to destroy our relationship with our Daddy. Knowing this, gives us the wisdom that we need to be in the word of God continually so we have the weapons we need to destroy our enemy.

      Be Blessed,

  25. Hello iam sheila from kenya..i broke up with my guy of three has really pained me that for a moment i wanted to commit suicude..luckily my mum talked to me and cooled me down..all i have been doing is crying and praying..crying and praying..i did all i coukd to save the relationship..kindly pray for me to God to heal my pain..i kbow he is God of compassion..iam really hurt that i see my self ending up depressed..and kindly emai for me what the holy spirits reavels for u..kindly …sheilabaraza@gmailcom

    1. Hi Sheila, just wanted to let you know that I sent you an email and I will continue to be in prayer for you as you seek our Father’s will.
      Be Blessed,

  26. Hi Audrey thank Papa for ur motivation n prayers.

    I feel so lost n unsure as to my marriage n i need prayers please for Papa’s intervention. I have turned 26 n still not in any solid relationship with any guy…..those i meet ar either muslims, married,or dont simply move me. Should jus close my eyes n marry any like that or what do i do….please help me

    1. Hi El, Let me just say I know exactly what you’re going through. I believe God created majority of us woman with a strong desire to want to get married and be a mother. Sometimes waiting on the right guy can be so hard because we want it right now when we feel like we are ready. However, our Father knows our heart so much better than we do and knows what is best for us. It wasn’t until I got to a point in my relationship with God where he was all I needed or wanted when he sent me my husband.
      Now my husband was 36 yrs. old at the time and had been praying for God to send him a wife. You know what Abba told him? “Before you can get the wife you want you have to become the kind of husband she deserves!” How powerful is that? God had to work on him first before we met and God was also working on me to become that wife he deserved, of course I had no idea what was going on behind the scenes but him and I trusted God for our spouses.
      I can tell you this, don’t EVER rush into anything just because you can’t wait. I’ve done it twice and the consequences not only affected me but everyone I love and even though I’ve been happily married for 12 yrs. now there are still things I deal with because of those past relationships.
      I know this… our Father wants a personal relationship with each of us. Personally I would focus on him 100%. Forget about finding a guy right now and seek after God and his ways. Pray for your future husband, ask God to work on his heart while he works on yours. Join a singles group, help out in the community and be about our Father’s business here on this earth and Lord willing he will send you the perfect husband and you won’t even have to go looking for him.
      I have prayed for you and will continue to pray that God would reveal his will for your life and that you will find other believers that can hold you up in prayer and be accountability partners with you on this journey.
      Be Blessed,

  27. Hi Audrey. Your words are encouraging. Thank you. I couldn’t stop crying all day and I am at work. I want to stop crying. Along time ago I married a man who turned out to be very different than I had thought. We had children and I loved him…still do but I will never go back with him. We have been divorced for over 10 years but the control and manipulation never seems to go away…he uses our children now to get at me. Every year gets more difficult and not easier. 5 years ago I married another man but he left me after we couldn’t be together and we lived 4 hours apart. Long story. I was practically left on the street and the break up was due to the my children’s father. I worked real hard to payoff debt and finally bought a house for me and my girls. Ever since this my children’s father has become extra mean and manipulative. 2 weeks After I bought the house someone called the code department and I was hit with 5 buildings on my property were never permitted and I was given time to hire an architect and take care of issues. I do not have this kind of money. My job which I am really good at and love became a thorn in my flesh as my boss was forced to take me as his assistant by the Controller in a lateral move and for 2 years he has been working at a way to fire me. I have been with the company 5 years and want to work here. I feel like I am dying. I do not date anymore…over a year now. I have no family alive other than my children. Mom died when I was 18 and my dad died when I ws 26. I am 46. My exhusband has not only made it difficult for me and our girls financially but he has lied and slandered me all over town. Most churches won’t even get to know me anymore. He is high up in the Baptist church in our town. I love God more than words can express. I remember David and Job. I remember what God has done for me in the past. I still cry and cry and cry. One guy I know, said to me, “I always wondered what was wrong with you, that a gorgeous woman like you has no boyfriend or isn’t married….there is nothing wrong with you Kelly. Now that I know you, you are a great and fun lady.” I always remember his words, too. It is so easy to let Satan lie to me. I have to remain in God’s Word. I am so busy and I have few friends anymore (most moved away) and I have little time to make new friends. Please pray for me. I feel alone and tired and sad. Thank you.


    1. Kelly, I want you to know that I have been praying for you since the moment I received your comment. I have been praying that The Holy Spirit would give me words to say to you so that you may be comforted. That the prince of peace would wrap his loving arms around you and you would feel the love of our Father. That your heart would be restored, that truth would be revealed, that you would be surrounded by true brothers and sisters in Christ that will hold your hands up as Aaron held Moses’s when he just couldn’t do it by himself any longer. This morning I was doing a study on hope and while reading scripture after scripture I came to Psalm 31:14-18 and immediately thought of you. Really the entire 31st Psalm is a spiritual warfare prayer to pray and meditate on. But this is what is says:
      “But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord;
      I say, “You are my God.”
      My times are in your hand;
      Deliver me from the hand of my enemies,
      and from those who persecute me.
      Make your face shine upon your servant;
      save me for your mercies’ sake.
      Do not let me be ashamed, O Lord,
      for I have called upon You;
      Let the wicked be ashamed;
      Let them be silent in the grave.
      Let the lying lips be put to silence,
      Which speak insolent things proudly
      and contemptuously against the righteous.”

      Read all of Psalm 31, meditate on it, write it down on paper and put it before you night and day. God will deliver you and he shall be your fortress and high tower. Keep your eyes on him and forever hope in him and he will NOT fail you.

      Please know I am continuing to pray for you and that in time I promise things do get better. When the kids are older they see us parents for who we really are, there is no hiding so know that in time the truth will be revealed and your relationship with your children will be even stronger.

      Be Blessed,

  28. Hi Audrey –
    Sitting here at my desk, crying. I have asked God to forgive me for a sin. I know HE HAS. I am having trouble forgiving myself. I’m afraid of the outcome. I am trying really hard to TRUST HIM. This situation has brought me so much closer to Him and I am reading His word every day and praying hard. I am praying for everyone that responded to this thread. I know I am not alone in my hurt. I ask that you all pray for me.

    1. Michelle,
      I’m not sure why my message to you never went through. I was just looking over the comments and realized that it shows I never responded to you yet I know for sure I did.

      I’ve been where you are. Where you can forgive others so much easier than you can forgive yourself. God set me free from that when he revealed the truth to me through the story of the woman who was caught in the act of adultery. The ONLY one that had the real power to judge and punish that woman was Jesus himself! But what did he do? He looked at her with love and compassion and told her that her sins were forgiven and to go and sin no more.

      If Jesus himself did not condemn, judge or bring punishment upon that woman then who are we to do that to ourselves?

      It’s one of the most sly tricks of the enemy to get us to where we feel we are not worthy enough to receive forgiveness from ourselves.

      Well I’m here to let you know you are FREE from that sin. All Jesus asks you to do is go and sin no more and know that his Grace is sufficient in your weakness. Now that doesn’t give us a ticket to keep living in that sin but if we do fall then his grace is there to pick us back up.

      I prayed for you as soon as I got your comment and I know that my prayers have already been answered.
      I also Praise The Lord that in this time you have leaned on him and gotten closer to him. It’s in the dark that his light shines so brightly. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Be Blessed my sister,

  29. Hi audrey i was just wondering if u could pray 4 me sum more. i mean god has been blessing me so much i got a new job, money, i am healthyer and more able these days. most of those things will pass in time but u kno their blessings to acknowledge non the less. i recently came 2 a great loss. one that i have been dreading for so long and it has arrived. i want to let this thing go a lost aspiration, which ment s0 much to me. my heart is holding on to this thing which i have little control over and its just hurting me b/c its gone now. but at the same time i kno god is the one who gives us our desires and hope so i am very confused ๐Ÿ™ i duno wah 2 do i just wanna be the way i used 2 be before i had this hope which i will never find.

    1. Matt,

      PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Look at how far you have come. I was just looking at the comments and even from your very first comment on this thread you have come so far. That is an awesome testimony.

      I’m not sure what exactly you lost but I do know this. When you have completely surrendered your life to Christ he begins to show you areas in your life that you need to let go of. Areas that might be an idol.

      June of last year he showed me that Social Media had become my idol. I work as a Social Media Consultant and had clients that I had to let go because it was consuming my time. July 1st I walked away from Social Media sites and for 4 months dove into God’s word.

      I knew it was coming, I knew it was going to be hard
      But I also knew it was desperately needed.

      This thing that you lost has now opened up the door for God to bless you with something so much better. Don’t loose sight in that. If he has asked you to give it up then trust him that he is working things out for YOUR good because you love him.

      I will continue to pray for you and I look forward to hearing even more of the great things God is doing in your life.

      Be Blessed,

  30. God has used this blog to show His perfect sense of timing once again. The trial I currently face has caused MANY tears, which is significant because I’m not a crier, never have been. But I do see that this trial is strengthening my faith in Him, causing me to pray more and also making me seek Him more often. To know that He cares enough to keep track of every hurt, pain, agonizing moment & tear is quite comforting.
    Many thanks for writing this blog. Well done!!

    1. Thank you so much Taz. I know for a fact that the trials that we go through only strengthen us and our relationship with our Lord. When looking back on the many times I shed oceans of tears I see how God’s hand was protecting and comforting me. It’s never fun or easy going through it but the joy and peace that come after it is like warm, sunshiny day after a long, cold, hard winter. ๐Ÿ™‚
      ~ Audrey

  31. Hi Audrey!

    This blog post caught my eye and after reading through it, I thought you’d appreciate this song. It’s actually written by a Jewish singer so there are a couple of Hebrew/Yiddish words used: ‘Hashem’ for G-d and ‘Zaidy’ for Grandpa.

    It speaks about how G-d feels our pain like a father feels his son’s pain and how G-d’s pain translates into tears which drop into a cup and when that ‘cup’ is full, our redemption will come.

    “Daddy Dear”:

    Lyrics for “Daddy Dear”:

    I hope you enjoy!


    1. Stephanie,
      That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I can only imagine the tears God is crying for this world right now. ๐Ÿ™

      Blessings and Shalom
      ~ Audrey

  32. Audrey, I was wondering if I could email you in private about my situation. I really need some prayer help.I feel like I have been struggling with certain issues for years and no matter how much I pray it has stayed the same.

  33. Hi Audrey I sent you a personal email about my situation. I hope you got it. I named the email Prayer request from Maria. Thanks

  34. Hi Audrey,

    I felt like I should commend you on the fabulous work you have done on this site. You bring people together, you inspire, and I’m sure you already know but you’re helping others through their own struggles. I too have been through many hardships in my life but thankfully I have found positive ways to deal with and overcome them without relying on a faith. I really admire what you have done here and I look forward to reading more in the future ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Anthony,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. That really meant a lot to me! I’m so glad you were able to overcome obstacles in your life and find the positive in them. That is a kind of faith all by itself. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Faith in a better tomorrow. Thanks again for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. ๐Ÿ™‚
      ~ Audrey

      1. Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my qutiesons are answered!

  35. Hi audrey this is mat (u’v prayed for me beforee) ๐Ÿ™‚ well anyways things have been going very well for me exept that of late iv gotten a concussion which has left me in bad shape i cannot go to work or even walk right…i really need ur prayers i may loose my job and im becoming hopeless thank you

    1. Mat,
      When your focus is on God and your relationship with him NOTHING is hopeless my brother. Our hope is in him and he loves us so much. He knows exactly what you need even before you ask him. Instead of thinking that you may lose your job why not stand on God’s word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. That you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ and that if this is the job God has for you then Satan can’t take it away from you.
      A lot of times we can get caught up in the things WE think we need but in actuality it’s not God’s will for us. That’s why it’s so important to set time aside each morning to spend with the Father. Asking him for his guidance, his hand of provision and listening for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. If this job is where God would have you then no devil in hell can prevail and you will remain there. If however, God has something else for you then you must believe that his ways are higher then your ways.
      We must trust that our Abba Father knows what is best for us. Your hope needs to be in him not what the world says to hope in. When your hope is in him than there is nothing to fear.
      I will be praying that God would show up mightily on your behalf and that you faith and hope in him would be restored and stronger than ever.
      Be Blessed and know that God’s got this. ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Hey audrey . I’m 16 years old . I have a lot of problems right now in my life caused by hypocrite people around me . I don’t know what to do other than being depressed , feeling lonely and crying all day . I have no more friends and no family . I don’t know what to do . I started praying since my problems started and i am really confused : Does god really sees our tears and our prayers ? .. It has been like 5 weeks when i started praying and when i started being depressed and crying every night alone . I sometimes have faith in god and sometimes i have that question in my head : Will god help me get through this ? Or do i commit suicide ?

    1. Dear Maria,
      Yes, sweetheart God really does exist and he really does see every single tear we shed. Believe it or not you are right where God wants/needs you to be. It’s in our darkest moments that we seem to cry out to God and his word NEVER fails. Look at all these scriptures that talk about seeking God and finding him…
      Jeremiah 29:13 “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”
      Deuteronomy 4:29 “But from there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
      Isaiah 55:6 “Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.”
      Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
      Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

      I want you to know something sweetheart, you’re not fighting this alone. For years I battled thoughts of suicide until God delivered me of those thoughts and showed me the person behind those them were Satan (the devil). The scripture even says it in 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober (self-controlled) be vigilant (watchful), because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experiences by your brotherhood in the world.” The enemy always tries to take out those that are called by God and you my dear are being called by God, even right now.

      Couple questions I have for you. Have you ever prayed the Salvation prayer? Are you part of a youth group of any kind? Do you have a bible? One of the devises the enemy always uses it to separate us from people that can speak positive in our lives and that can pray for us and with us. After all he is like a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothes and we know what wolves do. They separate one sheep from the others so the pack can attack and kill. Satan does the exactly same thing with the children of God.

      I have been praying for you all morning. You have your whole life ahead of you and as my precious Mom use to tell me in my teen years when I was going through so much, “This too shall pass” and you will be able to minister to others the way I’m ministering to you. If you would like, you can email me and I can keep giving you scriptures and you can ask me any question you want about God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit and his word. Email me at if you ever need to. I will continue to pray and just know that God has heard every single one of your prayers and he ALWAYS answers.

      Be Blessed,

  37. I’ve really been struggling lately. The man I love with all my heart & was supposed to be getting married to next July, left me recently saying he’s not ready & all kinds of common lines “I love you, but dont feel in love with you right now,but maybe we’ll get back together some day when I figure things out.” I’ve been crying so much, but the tears won’t stop. After going to couples counselling, I felt he was the one. Now I have no idea what will happen in the future. I’m hoping God will draw us both closer to Him & will bring us back together after we have both matured in our faith. But I dont know the future & am so afraid to hope. I feel like he was the greatest blessing God gave me, and now he’s gone & the tears won’t stop. I need prayer ๐Ÿ™

    1. Lauren,
      I honestly have no idea how in the world I missed your comment. I just logged in today and saw I had a comment which I thought was strange because I normally get emails letting me know. I know the hurt all to well but I also know the love of our Abba Father which is so much greater than any love a man can give us. I have found that when one says they are no longer “in love” that simply means that the feelings are no longer there. The world around us depicts love as being these feelings and once those feelings are no longer there then that has to mean we are no longer “in love” with that person. But the TRUTH is that “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
      No where in these scriptures does it say that love is a feeling and furthermore it doesn’t even say anything about being “in love” Scripture tells us what love is and is not. I want you to know that you are loved very deeply by the father and this his ways for your life are so much higher than you can fathom. I will pray and continue to pray that The Lord would heal your heart and that in this time you would draw closer to God and his heart so that when the man he has for you comes along you will know it beyond a shadow of a doubt and that you will be loved as Christ loved the church.
      Be Blessed my dear,

  38. Taz Bright says:

    When society thinks of someone crying it usually tends to think of women & children. As a father whos children have been poisoned against him, I assure you, God catches man-tears too.

    While the pain of separation from both my 17 year old kids is indescribably heavy, I am thankful for The Creator cares enough to keep track of my every pain. How compassionate is that? I don’t know anyone who cares that much for me besides the One Who made me. Ironically- according to human logic- He’s the One being who should be the least concerned about tiny, finite, imperfect, unworthy, little me.
    Thankfully, He operates outside imperfection. His perfect Love dives Him to love us PERFECTLY.

    That’s humbling. I am very thankful He catches my many Dad-tears.