Read More Encouraging Words

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  1. Taz Bright says:

    So…for a while now I’ve had a problem with the term “soul ties”. I’ve heard it a lot in traditionally black churches and from preachers I don’t necessarily trust.
    However, the verse you mentioned in 1 Samuel deserves some research. I’ll have to look into it. The New Living Translation uses the word ‘connection’ to describe David and Jonathan’s deep friendship & I usually agree with that term.
    In the end, though, what’s written in this blog is completely correct. The connections (ties) we seek should always be subject to The Spirit’s direction. Once we step outside God’s Will we form connections never meant to exist OR we distort connections God had intended for a marvelous purpose. There are several connections, from my past, I wish I’d not formed. I got ahead of The Spirit & the result was pain: for myself and others involved.

    These days I’m more focused on remaining in His Will that I have ever been.
    1. Because I love Him &
    2. The long-lasting pain just isn’t worth it.


  2. Taz Bright says:

    So…for a while now I’ve had a problem with the term “soul ties”. I’ve heard it a lot in traditionally black churches and from preachers I don’t necessarily trust.
    However, the verse you mentioned in 1 Samuel deserves some research. I’ll have to look into it. The New Living Translation uses the word ‘connection’ to describe David and Jonathan’s deep friendship & I usually agree with that term.
    In the end, though, what’s written in this blog is completely correct. The connections (ties) we seek should always be subject to The Spirit’s direction. Once we step outside God’s Will we form connections never meant to exist OR we distort connections God had intended for a marvelous purpose. There are several connections, from my past, I wish I’d not formed. I got ahead of The Spirit & the result was pain: for myself and others involved.

    These days I’m more focused on remaining in His Will that I have ever been.
    1. Because I love Him &
    2. The long-lasting pain just isn’t worth it.