What are soul ties?
Soul ties are formed between two people when they have a relationship with one another. This relationship can be between family members, friends, co-workers, pastors and others. This soul tie is also formed when you have a sexual relationship with someone.
When you get into a relationship your soul and another personโs soul become connected. The soul is the mind, will and emotions of a person. The number one way of this is through a sexual relationship. The word of God declares that when a man and woman marry (come together sexually) they become one flesh. A part of their soul, which is the mind, will and emotions transfer to each other so that they each have a part of the other personsโ soul, ultimately giving up a part of their own. As a person goes through life, this happens with every person that relationship is formed with and with every relationship; a part of their soul is removed and replaces with a part of the other personโs soul.
This is why it’s so important to go through breaking soul ties.
When a soul tie is formed, demons can travel back and forth through the soul tie. The soul tie can go back and forth from partners, or it may also travel on the generational bloodline through the soul tie of family.
Not all soul ties are unhealthy though. You can have a Godly soul tie that is blessed of God.
For instance marriage is a Godly soul tie – Genesis 2:24 – โ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.โ
This, to me, is such a beautiful picture of a man and woman having a Godly soul tie, that they shall come together to be ONE flesh.
Friendship is another Godly soul tie – I Samuel 18:1 – โNow when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.โ
We know that Jonathan went on to protect David from his father Saul who sought to kill David but Jonathan loved David, as a friend and brother and as his own soul. What an amazing friend and how blessed we are when we find a friend like that.
Itโs when we have ungodly soul ties that we get ourselves in trouble opening up the door for Satan to wreck havoc in our lives.
Ungodly soul ties
If someone is controlling you or youโre having a hard time breaking free from that person then itโs pretty safe to say that you have an ungodly soul tie that needs to be broken. You ever notice when you start hanging around someone a lot you tend to talk like them, act like them and will even start to have the same body language of them? Youโve got some soul ties with that person that need to be broken.
Some ungodly soul ties can be formed through the following relationships:
1. Sexual relations outside of marriage
2. Adulterous relationship
3. Homosexual relationship
4. Between parents and their children
5. Between siblings
6. Ungodly friends
7. Co-workers
A Prayer to break soul ties and restore the soul
To get your soul restored and to get any spirits out of you that may have come in through these soul ties you will need to ask the Holy Spirit of God and the angels to aid in this. The following prayer will lead you in repentance, forgiveness, healing, deliverance and the restoration of your soul.
Father I come before you in the might name of Jesus and by the power of His shed blood for me. Father I ask for your Holy Spirit to bring to my mind every person that I have an ungodly soul tie with. I recognize sexual relationships outside of marriage as sin. I now confess my sin of this relationship with _________________(fill in the blank with every person that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind but do these steps for each person individually). I renounce right now this relationship and the sin of this relationship and I ask Father for your forgiveness. I now send the angels of the Lord to go to that person right now and remove from them any part of my soul that they may have and to remove from me any part of their soul that I may have and restore those parts back to their rightful place. I now command any and all demons that may have come into me from this sin and soul tie to leave me now in the name of Jesus and to go where the Lord Jesus Christ sends you.
Continue to do this until the Holy Spirit confirms in you that you are free and that your soul is restored. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any other areas where there is bondage in your life and confess the sin, break the curse, cast out the spirits operating on the curse and ask the Holy Spirit to fill the places that the demons have vacated.
Y’all Be Blessed,
So…for a while now I’ve had a problem with the term “soul ties”. I’ve heard it a lot in traditionally black churches and from preachers I don’t necessarily trust.
However, the verse you mentioned in 1 Samuel deserves some research. I’ll have to look into it. The New Living Translation uses the word ‘connection’ to describe David and Jonathan’s deep friendship & I usually agree with that term.
In the end, though, what’s written in this blog is completely correct. The connections (ties) we seek should always be subject to The Spirit’s direction. Once we step outside God’s Will we form connections never meant to exist OR we distort connections God had intended for a marvelous purpose. There are several connections, from my past, I wish I’d not formed. I got ahead of The Spirit & the result was pain: for myself and others involved.
These days I’m more focused on remaining in His Will that I have ever been.
1. Because I love Him &
2. The long-lasting pain just isn’t worth it.
So…for a while now I’ve had a problem with the term “soul ties”. I’ve heard it a lot in traditionally black churches and from preachers I don’t necessarily trust.
However, the verse you mentioned in 1 Samuel deserves some research. I’ll have to look into it. The New Living Translation uses the word ‘connection’ to describe David and Jonathan’s deep friendship & I usually agree with that term.
In the end, though, what’s written in this blog is completely correct. The connections (ties) we seek should always be subject to The Spirit’s direction. Once we step outside God’s Will we form connections never meant to exist OR we distort connections God had intended for a marvelous purpose. There are several connections, from my past, I wish I’d not formed. I got ahead of The Spirit & the result was pain: for myself and others involved.
These days I’m more focused on remaining in His Will that I have ever been.
1. Because I love Him &
2. The long-lasting pain just isn’t worth it.