How Do You Praise God in the Storm

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  1. Steve Hempstead says:

    I believe God wants me to get out of my comfort zone and then right now I am facing many trials in life! But after reading your blog I have tears in my eyes especially with that song that you had posted. I’ve asked God to change me and give me a new life and New Direction and he sure is doing it right now and it is painful but Paul went through many persecutions he says we will suffer on this Earth many trials and persecutions that we must endure them and remember that God loves us so much that he must do what he has to do to us so we stay on his path and not ours! All the glory and honor does to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and forever his praise will be on my lips

    1. Steve, I am standing with you in agreement that our Lord is giving you that new life you have cried out for even right now in this moment. The more of the trials and tribulations we go through the closer our relationship to Christ becomes and the further away our flesh gets. It truly is an amazing experience when you completely humble yourself to the leading of the Holy Spirit and Gods will for you life.
      Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Please keep me posted in all that God is doing in your life. I love to hear the testimonies and see the goodness of our Daddy working in his kids lives.
      Be Blessed,

  2. Blessed by your testimony, will be sharing with our church family. Thank you for sharing!