For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. ~ Isaiah 41:13
Oh how this speaks volumes to me today! What am I really afraid of?
Being in the Social Media realm things change daily, heck they really change hourly, and to stay up to date takes a lot of commitment. Sure, there are RSS feeds that I subscribe to, Fan pages that I monitor, and tweets that I follow (need to sharpen my twitter skills for sure) but sometimes I miss it.
My husband, family, friends and even clients tell me all the time I am too hard on myself and not one person knows EVERYTHING. I find myself not commenting in forums, on blog post, on Facebook status’s or even tweets because I have this fear that I will say something wrong and make a big fool of myself.
Or worse, someone will ask me a question that I don’t know the answer to. Like that has never happened to the greatest people alive? I’m slowly getting over this fear because I know that if a question is posed to me that I don’t know the answer to I know where/how to find it and I WILL find the answer.
Isn’t that what really matters? Being able to find an answer to help others?
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one.ย ~ย Elbert Hubbard[/pullquote]I’m on this journey in my life trying to figure out my “niche”, what am I good at? What are my passions in life? How can I turn those passions into a lifestyle. How can I turn those passions into making a living? All these questions consume my mind and I sit here in fear that I’m going to make a mistake but really the only mistake I’m making is allowing fear to hold me back.
Well guess what ? NO MORE!
So what if I don’t know the answer to every Social Media, Internet Marketing question that is posed to me? I’ll do the research (knowing me I’ll stay up all hours of the night figuring it out), I’ll ask those that I know might have the answer, I’ll put myself out there and if/when I make a mistake I will be very wise and learn from it.
What mistakes are you fearful of making today, tomorrow, this year? Take that fear by the horns, make a mistake, learn from it and then share it with others. We ALL make mistakes but as I tell my children all the time, “Smart people learn from their mistakes, but wise people learn from others!”
Be Blessed,Audreyย ๐