I woke up this morning to the horrific details of what is going on in Las Vegas, NV, and my heart just sunk. As I sat there watching the news coverage I started thinking of everything that has been going on in the world these past few months and my heart just breaks.
From hurricanes and earthquakes to protest and political divide. You can’t help but to look at the world and cry out to our Abba for Shalom (peace) to come to the world or for Jesus to come back soon.
Yet, if you know the word of God then you know that things will only get worse.
As I was watching everything unfold I could sense the Holy Spirit whispering to my spirit to shut it down and come spend time with him. As I entered my office/prayer room, the following just came like a rushing tidal wave and I quickly wrote it down as fast as it was coming to me.
As a child of the one true God (Yahweh) we have this victory through Jesus Christ that…
In the midst of chaos, He brings order
In the midst of destruction, He brings hope
In the midst of fear, He brings courage
In the midst of confusion, He brings clarity
In the midst of uncertainty, He brings direction
In the midst of death, He brings life
In the midst of evil, He brings goodness
In the midst of depression, He brings joy
In the midst of brokenness, He brings restoration
In the midst of hate, He brings love
In the midst of frustration, He brings calmness
In the midst of anger, He brings peace
In the midst of division, He brings unity
In the midst of the storm, He brings quietness
In the midst of war, He brings protection
In the midst of heartache, He brings comforts
In the midst of sickness, He brings healing
In the midst of loss, He brings gain
In the midst of lack, He brings abundance
In the midst of darkness, He brings to light
In the midst of weakness, He brings strength
In the midst of our sin, He brings redemption
In the midst of injustice, He brings justice
In the midst of lies, He brings truth
In the midst of captivity, he brings freedom
In the midst of bondage, He brings deliverance
In the midst of loneliness, He brings belonging
I’m reminded of so many stories in God’s word where God showed up IN THE MIDST of tragedies, but one particular kept coming to mind as I was praying.
The story in Daniel 3 of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These three Jewish men would not serve King Nebuchadnezzar’s gods or worship the image of gold he had set up. As a matter of fact, their exact words were, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”
Well, we all know they were thrown into the furnace but before they were the king ordered it to be heated seven times hotter than usual!! It was so hot that the soldiers that took Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego up into the furnace were instantly burned and died instantly. Yet, here are these three men, fully clothed, hands bound together thrown into the blazing fire.
Now the God moment…King Nebuchadnezzar looks into the furnace and is baffled because he knew he only threw THREE men into that furnace, bound and yet He says, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”
Oh, Hallaleuh!!!
In the midst of the fire, God brought protection and deliverance.
Notice, He didn’t stop them from going into the fire, just as he doesn’t stop the tragedies from happening in our lives. But, in the midst of everything we go through God is there…ALWAYS…bringing us what we need at that very hour.
My prayer for all of us brothers and sisters is that the Lord would comfort the brokenhearted, that we would love one another through all of this and that God’s Glory would be revealed in the midst of these tragedies throughout all the earth.
That we all would cling to Him and His word and that his perfect will would be done on this earth as it is in heaven.
With much love and compassion,
Be Blessed,
2 Responses
This was so amazing it truly ministered to me thank you
Awe, you’re so Welcome, girl. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. That means the world to me.