Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. ~ Galatians 6:2
Do you know how hard it is to write a Thought for the day when watching a 2 1/2 yr. old, 1 yr old and 2 week old twins???
Let’s just say that I had many thoughts but NO time to write them. LOL I was helping my younger sister Angela (who now has 4 kids under the age of 3) for a couple days and while there the Lord really began dealing with me on something.
You know that saying, “There’s always someone who has it worse than you?” Well, I said that to my sister and it was like my eyes were instantly opened to what I was actually saying. I was basically saying look at all these other people’s pain, agony, loss and defeated circumstances and then look at your circumstances and Thank God you are not them.
How sad is that? That I would take someone’s pain and suffering to uplift someone else. Oh Lord forgive me! ย Instead of using someone else’s calamity I should have been praying for them, not comparing their circumstances, after all, in Galatians 6:2 it states, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”
I remember reading a story to my daughter years ago about a large family living in a small cabin. Following is me paraphrasing the story…
They called upon somebody to come in and tell them what they needed to do ย to make life bearable. He basically had them add their livestock to the home a little bit each day. So the first day they were to bring in the chickens, the next day bring in the pigs, the next day bring in the goats and so on. When they completed his task’s he came back to find them complaining even more so because they felt all he did was make the house more crowded and no help to them at all. He finally told them to put the animals back outside and let him know how everything was going. Don’t you know that once the animals were out of the house and it was just the family again, the cabin felt like a mansion to them. They were in the SAME situation as they were before but their outlook had changed.
The capacity to give one’s attention to a sufferer is a very rare and difficult thing; it is almost a miracle; it is a miracle. ~ Simone Weil
ย We don’t need to compare our lives to others as much as we need to change the way we look at our own circumstances. Sure there are others that have it worse than us but instead of trying to make ourselves feel better by comparing our situations to theirs why not get on our knees and pray for them? I have found that when I pray for other’s my circumstances start to change and the load is so much lighter.
What I realized in my own life is that my circumstances don’t need to change, I need to change how I look at my circumstances. If I determine to learn and grow through these trials then maybe, just maybe one day I can help others who are going through the same thing.
My prayer for you today is that…
Where there is frustration and anxiety, peace would flow like a river.
Where there is hate, love would consume you
Where there is doubt, faith would rise up
Where there is dissension, unity would ignite
Where there is lies, truth would be victorious
Where there are questions, answers would be revealed
Where there is uncertainty, knowledge would be known
Where there is hurt, healing would come swiftly
Where there is confusion, clarity would sparkle
and above all, when you see someone else going through a rough time, stop and pray for them, give them an encouraging word or just listen as they pour out their heart to you.
In Jesus name I pray ~ Amen
Y’all Be Blessed